Quoted in The Guardian - Sat, 27 March 2021 - City of London Police ordered to re-investigate itself over stop-and-search incident of Ryan Colaco
Quoted in The Guardian article by Diane Taylor on the City of London Police's re- investigation of itself into the stop and search of the firm's client, Ryan Colaco shortly after his Channel 4 interview on the Met Police's use of stop and search. https://www.channel4.com/news/bame-people-more-likely-to-be-fined-under-virus-laws-says-liberty Police force ordered to reinvestigate itself over stop-and-search incident IOPC orders City of London force, which cleared itself of wrongdoing after man was strip-searched, to revisit complaint Ryan Colaçco, 31, a location manager in the film industry, was stopped by City of London police officers Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA A police force which cleared itself of wrongdoing during a stop-and-search incident in which a man who had committed no crime had his car window smashed and was restrained and strip-searched, has been ordered to reinvestigate the matter, the Guardian has learned. Ryan Colaço, 31, a location manager in the f...